Total Medals Earned: 698 (From
176 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 11,380 Points
Play the game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat the game
Build the Herman's Ditch.
Build the Trynka Canal.
Maintain all blocks happy (supply over demand) for 3 consecutive turns.
Beat the game on Normal difficulty level.
Complete the game without building any wells. (sumps are OK and completing a certain well-related request will not break this condition)
Complete the game in 130 turns or less.
Earn 5000 coins or more. Doesn't have to be completed in a single game.
Complete 20 requests in total. Doesn't have to be completed in a single game.
Beat the game on Hard difficulty level.
Beat the game on Impossible difficulty level.
Fail the Mission
Rank with a Score of 1000 or Lower
Complete the Mission Solo
Complete the Mission with Two Players
Achieve a Score of 6,000,000
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Wow, so impressive. You exist.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
You really thought that would work?
Constantly hold W for 10m straight
Constantly hold W for 25m straight
Constantly hold W for 50m straight
Get back up and rebalance after nearly falling off
Just close it with the X
Play Yu Jammin
Release your first track.
Release a song that uses "snd_fartreverb"
Release five different songs.
Zombie Pharaohs? Hasn't that been done before?
Zombify Santa.
Penguin zombies are no joke.
Fully upgrade the quality of one item in your sales department.
Beat the game on easy difficulty.
Not that they put up much of a fight.
I don't know if you knew this already, but zombies love spicy food.
The amazon just got even wilder.
What's the capital of Thailand? The answer may surprise you.
Make the world a zombie utopia in only 90 days!
Fully upgrade both the attack and defense of one of your zombies.
Beat the game on normal difficulty.
Kroikey! A zombie dingo ate my zombie baby!
People in China who get this medal also get arrested for sedition.
If zombies can control giant robots, then we are all f**ked.
In soviet Russia, zombies conquer you!
Make the world a zombie utopia in only 75 days!
Fully upgrade both the attack and defense of five of your zombies.
Fully upgrade the quality of four items in your sales department.
You are a thriving small business.
You are a thriving company.
Beat the game on hard difficulty
Riots and strikes are the least of your worries.
Politicians are now bribed with brains instead of money.
Fully upgrade the quality of all items in your sales department.
You are a thriving corporation, and a boon to the economy!
Your company is now running at peak efficiency!
You are definitely an expert strategist.
Make the world a zombie utopia in only 60 days!
Fully upgrade both the attack and defense of all of your zombies.